To join the OELA simply fill out and submit the form below
or download the form  here and mail/email/fax to:

c/o Waterlab Corportion
2603 12th St. SE
Salem, Oregon 97302
Phone: (503) 363-0473
Fax: (503) 363-8900
Email: [email protected]

    Name (required)

    Business (required)

    Address (required)

    Phone (required)

    Email (required)

    Membership Criteria

    Individual Members
    Members of the Corporation shall be those persons who support the Corporation through the payment of annual dues as established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors. Membership in the Corporation shall be open to any individual residing or employed in the State of Oregon who is actively engaged in the operation of or who is an employee of an environmental laboratory, or who is engaged in providing support or services to this industry. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to establish more specific or detailed membership criteria. Individual Members shall have voting rights and all other rights and privileges of members.

    Laboratory Members
    Any ORELAP accredited laboratory that conducts testing under the Clean Air Act (CAA), Clean Water Act (CWA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) in the State of Oregon and who supports the Corporation through the payment of Laboratory Member’s dues and who in the judgment of the Board of Directors have a valid business interest in the activities of the Corporation. Laboratory members shall not be entitled to vote on matters submitted to a vote of the members, but shall have all other rights and privileges of members.

    Individual Associate Members
    Individual Associate Members of the Corporation shall be those persons who support the Corporation through the payment of Individual Associate Members’ dues and who in the judgment of the Board of Directors have a valid business interest in the activities of the Corporation but do not otherwise meet membership criteria. Individual Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote on matters submitted to a vote of the members, but shall have all other rights and privileges of members.

    Organizational Associate Members
    Organizational Associate Members of the Corporation shall be those entities who support the Corporation through the payment of Organizational Associate Members’ dues and who in the judgment of the Board of Directors have a valid business interest in the activities of the Corporation but do not otherwise meet membership criteria. Organizational Associate members shall not be entitled to vote on matters submitted to a vote of the members, but shall have all other rights and privileges of members.